Kill The Cockroach, Eliminate The Entire Colony.

Roabust 360 Gel Bait Can Keep On Exterminating Until The Very Last Cockroach In Your Home Is gone!

Roabust 360 Is An All-Round Cockroach Extermination Solution With A 99.9% Kill Rate That Can End The Cockroach Nightmare In Your Home!

About Roabust 360

Why Use Roabust 360?

  • With a unique egg drying formulation, Roabust 360 can kill cockroaches and their eggs, putting and end to their aggressive reproductive cycle! Its transfer effect can continue to exterminate until the last roach in your house has been destroyed.

How It Works

Introducing Roabust 360 – a powerful solution for complete cockroach control. This revolutionary bait utilizes the cannibalistic behavior of cockroaches to effectively eliminate their presence in your home or business. Roabust 360’s unique formula ensures a chain reaction that eliminates the entire roach population. In addition, it also disrupts their reproductive cycle by drying out the egg sacks of the affected host – preventing any chances of the new generations developing resistance to the bait. Say goodbye to pesky cockroaches with Roabust 360.

Why It’s Hard to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Spraying cockroaches is not a foolproof method of eliminating them, as they can build up resistance to sprays. Even if sprayed, pregnant cockroaches will still release their egg cases before dying, some of which may be hidden. The newly hatched roaches from these eggs will also be immune to the poison used. Continuously spraying with different types of poison may only lead to the development of a super bug that cannot be killed by any spray. To effectively eradicate them, it is best to use a bait that targets the entire population and their egg cases.

Roabust 360 is suitable for use on all species of cockroaches, including the American and German types. The German cockroach, in particular, has a very active breeding cycle and is considered the most difficult to eliminate. It can be found worldwide, often in close proximity to human populations. In fact, it is present in almost every household where there is a cockroach infestation. This species relies on human environments for survival and cannot survive in areas without human activity. Under ideal conditions, a single female German cockroach and her offspring could potentially produce up to 300,000 roaches within one year.


Cockroaches leave behind traces of pheromones, feces, and other substances as they move around. These mingled together to create a characteristic odor similar to a poorly ventilated basement. The smell often has a sour undertone resembling spoiled food or rancid grease. You may also detect an earthy scent, similar to damp soil or decaying matter. Since cockroaches are social creatures, this odor attracts other cockroaches from nearby. Unfortunately, the clingy odor can linger in your home for months, even after the pests are gone. This scent can cause re infestation as it draws in cockroaches from sewer pipes or neighboring homes. Cockroaches that find their way you’re your house through groceries you bring into your home or even stowaways in suitcases after visiting will stay in your home if the odor is present. Even after eliminating the pests and cleaning thoroughly, you may still catch a whiff of the unpleasant smell because some of it is deeply embedded in crevices and difficult-to-reach spots. The odor that cannot be cleaned out can only be degenerated by time. It is therefore recommended to continue using Roabust 360 for at least 3 months after total extermination.

A cockroach infestation smell isn’t just annoying. It can also pose a real danger to your health, particularly if you suffer from allergies or other respiratory conditions. Cockroach droppings, skin shed, and saliva can also trigger allergic reactions and exacerbate asthma symptoms.

Did You Know?

  • Cockroaches are evolutionarily engineered to be nearly indestructible because they develop resistance to poison sprays.
  • Baby cockroaches that hatch from sacks laced with poison are resistant to poison sprays.

  • New Hatchlings German cockroaches become adults in as little as 36 days.
  • Cockroaches can live without food for one month.
  • A cockroach can live for week without its head.


All orders are shipped FREE of charge from our national distribution point. Customers should expect to receive their orders within 1 week of ordering Roabust 360 unless stated otherwise in your order confirmation which is emailed to you immediately after placing your order.

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